Plastic Waste Management Quiz winners are....
Khushali Prajapati
Vishv Patel
Yaman Negi
Hardik Kachhadiya

Major Highlights of the month
A Level-3 Mock Drill was successfully conducted at the LCNG Station in Veraval in DGS GA to assess and enhance our emergency response capabilities..
A Utility Coordination Meeting was held at FS GA to ensure effective integration and coordination of safety measures across all operations.
As a Part of National Road Safety Week Celebration, Employees took a pledge to follow traffic rules and ensure safety at all GAs, including Head Office.
Eye check-up camps were organized for all contract and hired vehicle drivers across all GAs.
Defensive driving training sessions were conducted for HCV drivers, PNG emergency vehicle drivers, and hired vehicle drivers across all GAs.
Spot quizzes and drawing competitions were held in all GAs, including the Head Office.
Safety and Technical Competency training Given to the Operators, Fillers, LCV Drivers , HDD operators, Supervisors, TPI, and Welders by External Trainer in FS GA.
Monthly GA HSE Committee held in all GAs.
A rally on road safety awareness is organized in collaboration with Traffic police at focal point, mandi gobindgarh in FS GA.
During Road Safety week, A Natural gas awareness campaigns were held in schools and institutions to educate students on road safety and natural gas hazards.
Monthly HSE Quiz was Conducted on ''Road Safety.''
Useful Links
Director General Factories Service & Labour Institute
Ministry of Environment & Forest
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Occupational Safety Health Administration
Health and Safety Executive, UK
International Association of Oil& Gas producers
Centre for Disease control and Prevention
Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organisation
Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD)
Central Pollution control Boards
The National examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health
Public Safety Standards of the Republic of India
Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board
National Fire Protection Association
Key Activities Planned for the Month
PNG Industrial & commercial inspections, environmental monitoring, CNG station checks activities to be conducted in all GAs.
Fire extinguisher AMC, and HSE quiz prize distribution in FS GA.
SCBA set training for Una cluster and Visit Loading and Unloading Activities DGS GA.
Odorant spillage kit training for PNG O&M at LCNG in DGS GA.
Safety training for PNG O&M team Veraval in DGS GA.
Work Permit Training to be conducted in DGS and N&T GA.
Safety Awareness for Utilities and LNG tanker inspection in DGS GA.
Vehicle inspections for hired company and MCV , DBS Station Inspections in all GAs.
Basic First Aid Training, DDT Refresher Training, PTW Training, Excavation safety , Electrical Safety , Importance of PPE, Operators & fillers Training in N&T GA.
External PNGRB Audit in N&T GA.
Total Safe Manhours YTD : 1.859 Million